Tag: Strengths

Learn the art of micro-tasking

ADHD Business Tips - Learn the art of micro-tasking

If you’re a business owner with ADHD, I know that you’re no stranger to grand visions and ambitious ideas. Your mind constantly buzzes with innovative concepts and inspiring plans. However, translating those big dreams into reality can often feel like an insurmountable challenge, leading to frustration and overwhelm. If this is you, I’m sure you’re all too familiar with […]

Embrace the chaos

ADHD Business Tips - Embrace the chaos

Entrepreneurship is often described as a rollercoaster ride—a journey filled with exhilarating highs and daunting lows. For those of us with ADHD, this rollercoaster can feel like it’s on turbo mode, with twists, turns, and loop-de-loops coming at us faster than we can keep track. Managing multiple tasks, dealing with distractions, and adapting to constant change are just a […]

Exploit your strengths instead of “fixing” your weaknesses

ADHD Business Tips - Exploit your strengths

Tell me.. as someone running a business with ADHD, how much time have you wasted obsessing over all your perceived flaws and shortcomings? If you’re anything like me, it’s more than you’d like to admit. There have been plenty of times when I’ve chastised myself for being disorganised or forgetful, or spent countless hours trying to create systems designed […]
