Tag: Time Management

Turf traditional time management

ADHD Business Tips - Turf traditional time management

Let’s face it: traditional time management advice often feels like it was written for a completely different species when you’re an entrepreneur with ADHD. Those color-coded planners and rigid schedules? They can make us feel pretty good in the moment, but practically speaking they might as well be written in hieroglyphics. But here’s the thing to remember – your […]

3 Ways to Get More Time in Your Day

I need more time!

Sole traders and small business owners – i.e. my clients! – often bemoan the fact that their to-do lists are miles long and they wish they had more time in the day to get all their tasks done. Add in the number of clients or customers you serve during the week and the stress can become overwhelming. Stack extended […]

Make the Most of Your Time: Practical Productivity

Make the most of your time.

Do you have a big dream? An idea of what you’ll be, do or have when you achieve all your goals and make stacks of cash? I do! I’m not going to share it here, because this isn’t about me, but I bet you have one too. Something that keeps you motivated to take that next step and consistently […]
