Month: August 2023

You don’t have to eat that frog!

ADHD Biz Tips: You don't have to eat that frog!

“What’s important is finding out what works for you.” – Thomas Moore Have you ever woken up with big plans for a big project but somewhere along the line (sometimes even before breakfast) things get derailed and you end the day feeling frustrated and discouraged? You might have managed to get a few minor things ticked off your to-do […]

Make a “Don’t Do” list

ADHD Business Tips: Make a Don't Do list

“If you want to make good use of your time, you’ve got to know what’s most important and then give it all you’ve got.” – Lee Iacocca In a world filled with endless tasks, commitments, and distractions, finding effective ways to focus and get sh*t done is essential, and an ADHD brain brings an additional level of challenge. I’m […]

Get yourself a gnome!

ADHD Business Tips - Get yourself a gnome -Body Doubling

In one of our first sessions when I started the Execute program the topic of body doubling came up and one of the participants mentioned that she and a friend had dubbed the practice “gnoming” because it was like having a little gnome sitting nearby watching you work. 😅 We loved that idea, and we still refer to body […]
