Month: September 2023

Schedule a meeting to start your day

ADHD Business Tips - Schedule an early meeting or call to start your day.

If you often find yourself struggling to gain control over your daily agenda, you’re not alone. The entrepreneurial journey can be a rollercoaster of distractions and challenges, especially when you’re wired with the sometimes fast-moving, sometimes snail-paced brain of someone with ADHD. But a simple morning habit can set the tone for a productive day and help you regain […]

Expect bad days to happen

ADHD Business Tips: Accept that bad days are going to happen

Do you remember the last time you had a day that felt like an uphill battle from the moment your alarm went off? If you’re an entrepreneur with ADHD, I’m sure you know the feeling all too well and it probably wasn’t all that long ago. It’s those days when it seems like nothing goes your way, your focus […]

Experiment with different work environments

ADHD Business Tips: Experiment with different work environments

If you’ve got ADHD, finding the ideal work environment is crucial as it can significantly impact both your productivity and wellbeing. If you work in a fixed location such as a rented office or store, or you need location-specific equipment to run your business, you may be limited in how much you can alter your workspace. But if you […]

Multiply your time estimates by 1.5x

ADHD Business Tips: Multiply your time estimates by 1.5x

As a business-owner with ADHD I’ve had my fair share of trouble managing my time and energy effectively, and if you’re reading this you can probably relate! Can you see yourself in any of these anecdotes? The Morning Rush Sarah, an entrepreneur with ADHD, wakes up on a regular Wednesday morning with a burst of energy and enthusiasm. She […]
