Month: November 2023

Establish clear, specific goals and regularly review your progress

ADHD Business Tips - Establish clear, specific goals and regularly review your progress!

When was the last time you set a goal? I’ve found that many of my clients with ADHD will tend to vacillate between two extremes – they’re either prolific goal setters, ever hopeful that the right goal is all they need and will make all the difference, or they’re reluctant to commit to anything even resembling a goal, because […]

End your day with a simple routine

ADHD Business Tips - Use a simple routine to end your workday

As our entrepreneurial adventure with ADHD continues, we’ve uncovered the extraordinary potential of simple routines to kickstart our workday. Now, let’s pivot to the often-underestimated power of winding down as your workday comes to an end. Picture it as putting the finishing touches or final strokes on your canvas—a way to complete things with purpose while preparing yourself for […]

Start your day with a simple routine

ADHD Business Tips - Use a simple routine to start your workday

Entrepreneurs with ADHD often dance to the beat of a unique rhythm, especially when it comes to organisation and time management. If you’ve got an ADHD brain, you’ll know what I’m talking about – no two days are the same when it comes to your energy level, motivation, or ability to focus.   The dynamic and creative ADHD mind […]

Always have a place to record ideas

ADHD Biz Tips: Always have a place to record your ideas

As an entrepreneur with ADHD, you possess a remarkable gift: a brain brimming with a constant flow of creative ideas and inspiration. This never-ending wellspring of innovation is a superpower in the business world; however, it can easily become your kryptonite, pulling you away from the task at hand every time a new idea pops up. Here we’ll explore […]
