Month: July 2024

Batch tasks by energy level

ADHD Business Tips - Batch tasks for energy level.

As a business owner with ADHD, you’re intimately familiar with the unique challenges and strengths that come with your neurodiversity. The fluctuating energy levels, the bursts of hyperfocus, and the struggles with routine tasks can make traditional productivity methods feel like they’re designed for someone else. But what if you could always find something constructive to make progress on […]

Remember, less is more

ADHD Business Tips - Remember, less is more

Today I want to start with a little story, I call “The Tale of the Overachieving To-Do List.” Rachel, a well-intentioned freelancer with ADHD, decided one Monday morning that this would be the week she’d finally “get organised.” Armed with her favourite productivity apps, a new planner, and an industrial-sized package of sticky notes, she set out to create […]

Stay connected

ADHD Business Tips - Stay Connected

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller Picture this all-too-common scenario: you’re at the helm of your own business, your ADHD brain is buzzing with innovative ideas and boundless inspiration. You’re juggling client meetings, product development, and team management like a pro (at least some days!). You’re busy… maybe too busy… […]

Turf traditional time management

ADHD Business Tips - Turf traditional time management

Let’s face it: traditional time management advice often feels like it was written for a completely different species when you’re an entrepreneur with ADHD. Those color-coded planners and rigid schedules? They can make us feel pretty good in the moment, but practically speaking they might as well be written in hieroglyphics. But here’s the thing to remember – your […]
