Author: Next Level You

Look for solutions loved by other ADHD brains.

ADHD Business Tips - Look for solutions loved by other ADHD brains

There is no one-size-fits-all approach that anyone can offer you. The hot water that softens a carrot will harden an egg.– Clayton M. Christensen Tell me, how many times have you tried the latest productivity app, time management technique or work-life balance hack only to have it fall flat before you could even fully get your head around it? […]

Celebrate your wins, no matter how small.

ADHD Business Tips - Celebrate your wins, no matter how small.

Acknowledge all of your small victories. They will eventually add up to something great.– Kara Goucher As a business owner with ADHD, the road to success is often filled with speed bumps, detours, and plenty of challenges. The constant juggling act of managing a business while dealing with distractibility, impulsivity, and other ADHD-related obstacles can be mentally and emotionally […]

Turn off all non-essential notifications

ADHD Business Tips - Turn off non-essential notifications

In today’s digital age, we’re constantly bombarded with notifications vying for our attention. From email alerts and social media updates to news alerts and app notifications, the incessant pings and buzzes can easily derail our focus and productivity. For a business owner with ADHD, this constant stream of distractions can be particularly challenging to navigate. Having your flow constantly […]

Exploit your strengths instead of “fixing” your weaknesses

ADHD Business Tips - Exploit your strengths

Tell me.. as someone running a business with ADHD, how much time have you wasted obsessing over all your perceived flaws and shortcomings? If you’re anything like me, it’s more than you’d like to admit. There have been plenty of times when I’ve chastised myself for being disorganised or forgetful, or spent countless hours trying to create systems designed […]

Find a therapist or coach who understands ADHD to work with you.

ADHD Business Tips - Find a coach

As a business owner with ADHD, I know the unique challenges we face all too well. The constant barrage of ideas, the struggle to stay focused, the tendency to jump from one shiny project to the next – it can be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, our out-of-the-box thinking and ability to hyper-focus gives […]

Try a dopamine detox

ADHD Business Tips - Try a dopamine detox to reset your focus

Entrepreneurs are known for being energetic, creative, and restless – always looking for the next big idea or opportunity. But for those of us with ADHD, these traits can be doubly amplified, making it difficult to focus and stay on task. The persistent novelty-seeking and impulsivity of ADHD can lead to us being distracted by every little notification, email, […]

Sort your space

ADHD Business Tips - Sort Your Space

Today’s post is a short one because I’m all about taking my own advice! If you’ve got an ADHD brain there’s a good chance that you’re not the most organised entrepreneur around.. I’d estimate that less than 20% of my ADHD clients have found systems that help to keep their physical space well sorted – for the vast majority […]


ADHD Business Tips - Unsubscribe

Is your email inbox the bane of your existence? Does the growing number of unread messages fill you with dread with each new day? If you can relate, you’re not alone, and you’re probably in the right place! For many of my clients, an inbox can feel like a bit like a bottomless pit, constantly overflowing with new demands […]

Improve focus with noise-cancelling headphones

ADHD Business Tips - Use Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Building a small business is a journey that holds abundant appeal for many, but for those of us with ADHD, the path we follow tends to be paved with unique challenges. Distractions, both internal and external, can easily throw off our focus even when we’re ready and willing to get sh*t done! Amidst the commotion of the bustling business […]

Leverage technology to automate repetitive tasks

ADHD Business Tips - Leverage technology to automate repetitive tasks

Running a business can be a joyful, even grand adventure but if you’re not careful the creativity and excitement can quickly be dampened by an ever-growing list of repetitive, lower-value tasks – especially when you’re flying solo. These kinds of tasks not only suck up your valuable time, they can also be easy ways to waste your hyperfocus or […]
