Author: Next Level You

Remember, less is more

ADHD Business Tips - Remember, less is more

Today I want to start with a little story, I call “The Tale of the Overachieving To-Do List.” Rachel, a well-intentioned freelancer with ADHD, decided one Monday morning that this would be the week she’d finally “get organised.” Armed with her favourite productivity apps, a new planner, and an industrial-sized package of sticky notes, she set out to create […]

Stay connected

ADHD Business Tips - Stay Connected

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller Picture this all-too-common scenario: you’re at the helm of your own business, your ADHD brain is buzzing with innovative ideas and boundless inspiration. You’re juggling client meetings, product development, and team management like a pro (at least some days!). You’re busy… maybe too busy… […]

Turf traditional time management

ADHD Business Tips - Turf traditional time management

Let’s face it: traditional time management advice often feels like it was written for a completely different species when you’re an entrepreneur with ADHD. Those color-coded planners and rigid schedules? They can make us feel pretty good in the moment, but practically speaking they might as well be written in hieroglyphics. But here’s the thing to remember – your […]

Create a sensory-smart workspace

ADHD Business Tips - Create a sensory smart workspace

Living with ADHD is a bit of a mixed bag: sometimes it’s a real challenge and other times a genuine superpower. For business owners with ADHD, harnessing the energy and creativity that denotes the superpower part of the equation happens more easily in a workspace designed to cater to our unique sensory needs. Sensory-smart workspaces can have a significant […]

Learn the art of micro-tasking

ADHD Business Tips - Learn the art of micro-tasking

If you’re a business owner with ADHD, I know that you’re no stranger to grand visions and ambitious ideas. Your mind constantly buzzes with innovative concepts and inspiring plans. However, translating those big dreams into reality can often feel like an insurmountable challenge, leading to frustration and overwhelm. If this is you, I’m sure you’re all too familiar with […]

Embrace the chaos

ADHD Business Tips - Embrace the chaos

Entrepreneurship is often described as a rollercoaster ride—a journey filled with exhilarating highs and daunting lows. For those of us with ADHD, this rollercoaster can feel like it’s on turbo mode, with twists, turns, and loop-de-loops coming at us faster than we can keep track. Managing multiple tasks, dealing with distractions, and adapting to constant change are just a […]

Harness your hyper focus

ADHD Business Tips - Harness your hyperfocus

As an entrepreneur with ADHD, you’re likely all too familiar with the struggle of distractibility and lack of focus. But there’s a flip side to that coin that can be an incredible asset: the ability to laser in on tasks with intense, unwavering concentration known as hyper focus. Hyper focus is a state of intense absorption where you become […]

Let AI plan your day!

ADHD Business Tips - Let AI plan your day

If you’re a business owner with ADHD there’s a good chance your brain is buzzing with a million ideas and tasks competing for attention at any given moment. But executing on those ideas and crossing items off the to-do list? That’s where things get tricky. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve found myself down a social media […]

Never worry alone

ADHD Business Tips - Never worry alone

Worrying is something that seems to come with the territory when you’re a business owner with ADHD. Our brilliant but distractible brains are constantly juggling a million ideas, possibilities, and contingencies. We lay awake at night ruminating over client pitches, precarious cash flow projections, or whether we’ve ordered enough branded merch. The worries can pile on quickly and send […]

Structure your work activities around your own energetic cycles.

ADHD Business Tips - Structure your work around your own energetic cycles

As an entrepreneur with ADHD, you’re likely all too familiar with the intense peaks and valleys of energy and focus that can make or break your productivity on any given day. One minute you’re completely dialled in, crushing your to-do list, and firing on all cylinders. The next (or perhaps the next day) you feel like you’ve hit a […]
